Payback Books 2024-2025


Payback Book Sales are one of our biggest fundraisers of the year!!


This year Payback Books are bigger but still sell for $18, and $10 from each book benefits our school!


Order between September 6-24th. For your child to be eligible for prizes, we must have all money (with the checks written out to WOODBURN PAWS) by September 24, 2024.

3 books sold = win crazy putty

5 books sold = win a $5 Amazon Gift Card

10 books sole = win a $10 Amazon Gift Card


Additional school wide prize: If we sell over 600 books our entire school will earn a fun Spirit Day celebration! 


Funds raised from the sale of Payback Books will be used by Woodburn PAWS to enhance the educational experience for Woodburn students and staff, including many events, activities, and grants provided by PAWS throughout the year. 



Item DescriptionPriceQty

Payback Books


 Payback Books
Each book is $18.00. You may purchase one or multiple books per student(s). Enter all student(s) info below. If purchasing 2 or more books between siblings, one book will be credited per student to count towards prizes.