READ WITH THE PACK! Read-a-thon Fundraiser
March 2- 17th
The goal of the READ WITH THE PACK! Read-a-thon & Fundraiser is to promote literacy, celebrate the joy of reading, and raise money for Woodburn PAWS' ongoing programming!
To participate, students create and submit a reading goal. We'll be sending these home, or you can request a form from Jen Keen. Their goal can be to read a certain amount of minutes per day, a certain number of books or pages, or they can commit to trying to read a new genre, etc. You don't need the form to get started--they can set their goal and complete the form when it gets home!
Each student who accomplishes their reading goal and turns it in by the deadline will be recognized in the yearbook and receive a READ WITH THE PACK! bookmark. New this year--teachers and staff can also award prizes to students who are working hard on reading and participating in the read-a-thon. Check out this year's prizes here!
If students are able to raise funds, they then can share their reading goal with potential donors as they collect contributions. Students may collect cash or check donations OR donations can be made online at (click here to make a donation). There will be an envelope attached to the reading goal form that come homes that you can use to return cash or check donations to school (Donations are tax-deductible; please make checks payable to Woodburn PAWS.).
All reading goals and donations must be returned to school (or donated online) by 3/17/25 to count toward prizes.
READ WITH THE PACK Read-a-thon Prizes 2025
If we raise more than $5000, PAWS will add an extra inflatable attraction at our May 16, 2025 carnival!
Each student who accomplishes their reading goal and submits the paperwork by the deadline will receive a READ WITH THE PACK bookmark and be recognized by name in Woodburn’s yearbook read-a-thon spread.
In addition, students *who have teacher recommendation OR raise the following amounts will receive:
- $10+ receive a backpack brag tag
- $50+ receive above prizes and will get a special celebration with Mr. Parman and a photo of themselves with their favorite book will also be included in a special read-a-thon yearbook spread
- $100+ receive above prizes & a $5 gift card to spend at the Woodburn's spring book fair
- $250+ receive above prizes & a $15 gift card to spend at Woodburn’s spring book fair
- $500+ receive above prizes & a $25 gift card to spend at Woodburn’s spring book fair
*Teachers have the ability to nominate students for one or more of the above prizes if students submit and complete their reading goal, but do not participate in the fundraiser.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, January 22
- Thursday, January 23
- Friday, January 24
- Saturday, January 25